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Dealer Authority

Are you an aggressive car dealership that will accept nothing short of absolute domination of your competitors? Have you ever been promised the world by an automotive vendor, only to find that your expectations and their results didn’t match at all? Are you tired of the mediocrity that the OEMs want you to accept for[…]

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At Dealer Authority, we’re always looking for the best partners in arenas that we do not master. Areas such as PPC, websites, analytics, and reputation management were high on our list for us to explore at the NADA Convention in New Orleans. We are pleased to announce that we found our partner in reputation management[…]

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When you’ve been deeply immersed in digital marketing for as long as I have, you often take for granted that the things that seem obvious don’t always makes sense to everyone. In the world of search, social, and content marketing, it’s important to realize that there are only two certainties: What worked yesterday may not[…]

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