Social media is amazing. Then again, it’s worthless. Those are the two general opinions of social media in the automotive industry. You would be hard pressed to find a dealer who didn’t have one of those opinions about social media. It’s a very polarizing marketing venue. One of the truths that we’ve found in our[…]
Dealer Social Media is About Pushing it to the Edge Without Falling Over
By JDRucker Automotive Social Media, Dealer Tips, General, Uncategorized, Webinars Jun 13, 2015
How to Make Fans and Influence Car Buyers on Social Media
By JDRucker Automotive Social Media, Dealer Authority, Dealer Tips, General, Uncategorized, Webinars Mar 21, 2014
This is going to be the first DealerOn webinar that we've done as a company. It's exciting! This is the first time we're doing this particular presentation as well, so it's all fresh material. Social media has the ability to drive sales. Many dealers and most vendors seem to miss this point. It's not just[...]
Current Automotive Social Media Truths
By JDRucker Automotive Social Media, Dealer Authority, Dealer Tips, General, Uncategorized, Webinars Mar 12, 2014
The important word in the title of this article is “current”. Social media is changing on a regular basis. This webinar was done on March 12, 2014, so there’s always a chance that by the end of the day some of the information could be obsolete. That’s social media. That’s why we love it. It’s[…]