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Our Services

The rules of the game have changed… again. Just when an automotive SEO company believes that they have the system figured out, Google and Bing go and change it all over again. This is a good thing for dealers who have the right automotive SEO partner. At Dealer Authority, we embrace change. We desire it. Every[…]

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In February, 2014, we set out to find the best PPC partner in the automotive industry. We knew that our strengths were in organic search marketing and social media and we assumed that we could identify a service that shared our mindset of domination and having the best possible product available to car dealers. We[…]

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When we first started our company in 2013, we had a vision of what our services would look like. We chose SEO, social media marketing, and content marketing as our core business because those three disciplines offered the greatest needs for car dealers. In other words, we knew would could have the biggest impact on[…]

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There is so much emphasis placed on innovation that sometimes the core concepts get lost in the minutia. When we started Dealer Authority in 2013, the goal was to create the premier content marketing agency that would help dealers with both social media marketing and search engine optimization as well as other aspects of their[…]

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