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Let’s take out of the equation that I’m an extremely competitive person. This is the car business. If you’ve been successful in it, chances are you’re just as competitive as I am. This isn’t about packing a room. It’s about sharing the most important information I’ve ever had to share at a conference. Las Vegas.[…]

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This is JD going rogue. Completely unauthorized. My team will probably be upset. It had to be said, though. It’s that important. In two decades in the automotive industry, I can only remember two times when I’ve been this frustrated. The first was around 2003 when I paid out of my own salary to get[…]

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Thankfully, the Driving Sales Executive Summit does not have a dark and damp alley. Instead it’s a triple-A (automotive alley of awesomeness) place where the cool kids in automotive get to hang out and see the latest and greatest. We’ll maintain our startup mentality for as long as we can and we’re taking advantage of[…]

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