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Some of our readers may have noticed that I haven’t been posting very much on the various automotive networks since August. This wasn’t the result of an extended vacation or a trip around the world. My thoughts and efforts have been squarely placed on the evolution of the automotive industry and how that will affect[…]

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When we first started our company in 2013, we had a vision of what our services would look like. We chose SEO, social media marketing, and content marketing as our core business because those three disciplines offered the greatest needs for car dealers. In other words, we knew would could have the biggest impact on[…]

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… not being on the same page. That’s right, this time Subi is speaking about other vendors and how dealers can make sense of it all. Sometimes, it’s a revamp. Other times, it’s a slight course correction. Either way, you’ll learn the best ways to take your current internet department and make your vendors sing[…]

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The automotive digital marketing world just got better as Christine Robertson from Checkered Flag Auto Group fame brings her proven set of skills, philosophies, and domination strategies to Dealer Authority clients as our new Director of Dealer Strategy. She has been on the A-List of dealership leaders for several years now, building one of the[…]

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