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Some of our readers may have noticed that I haven’t been posting very much on the various automotive networks since August. This wasn’t the result of an extended vacation or a trip around the world. My thoughts and efforts have been squarely placed on the evolution of the automotive industry and how that will affect[…]

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Another dealership website analysis and digital marketing proposal went into the books yesterday. We looked at what a dealership was doing and made recommendations about what they should be doing in the near future. The response was similar to what we typically receive. “Nobody’s ever recommended that we do it like that,” they told us.

If there’s one thing that automotive digital marketing has taught us over the years, it’s that things change. This is a good thing for those who are keeping up with the changes and a bad things for those who languish in yesterday’s strategies. As I’ve said many times before, what worked yesterday might not work[…]

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