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Dealer Tips

… not being on the same page. That’s right, this time Subi is speaking about other vendors and how dealers can make sense of it all. Sometimes, it’s a revamp. Other times, it’s a slight course correction. Either way, you’ll learn the best ways to take your current internet department and make your vendors sing[…]

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As we’ve discussed many times, content is considered to be “king” in automotive digital marketing. This is true, but with a catch. Just as the King of England in centuries past was more powerful than the King of Zamunda, so too can content have different degrees of power over your marketing. The key is knowing[…]

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When I was younger and dumber in my journey as an automotive digital marketer, I believed that a strong social media strategy combined with a decent budget and the occasional drop of a creative juice would be enough to build a killer product for car dealers. I was wrong. Ever since founding Dealer Authority last[…]

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