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Dealer Authority

I am not an animal hunter. I’ve shot one animal in my life and that was plenty for me. With that said, I have gone hunting enough to understand that there’s a similarity between two of the major types of deer hunting styles and two of the biggest methods of digital marketing. Search engine marketing[…]

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Thankfully, the Driving Sales Executive Summit does not have a dark and damp alley. Instead it’s a triple-A (automotive alley of awesomeness) place where the cool kids in automotive get to hang out and see the latest and greatest. We’ll maintain our startup mentality for as long as we can and we’re taking advantage of[…]

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It’s all about the targeting. The mantra that many in the automotive industry chant about social media is that it’s big and huge and gigantic and you have to be on it. Unfortunately, these concepts miss the real value of social media. Now, there are results that clearly demonstrate that the real ROI comes from[…]

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