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Dealer Authority

Education. Analysis. Recommendations. At Dealer Authority, we’ve adopted an “EAR” approach to speaking to dealers in group setting such as 20 groups. We do this because it’s the right thing to do, but there’s another reason we do it which I’ll describe shortly. First, the pitch… Over the last year, we have been blessed with[…]

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Building a startup is hard. It’s about using sweat instead of cash. It’s about finding the exact right people instead of mass hiring because every role is absolutely crucial. It’s about a diet that consists of ramen noodles and home-brewed espresso – Starbucks is a luxury. It’s about getting creative with marketing rather than throwing[…]

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When I was younger and dumber in my journey as an automotive digital marketer, I believed that a strong social media strategy combined with a decent budget and the occasional drop of a creative juice would be enough to build a killer product for car dealers. I was wrong. Ever since founding Dealer Authority last[…]

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One of the benefits of doing what we do is that we get to see the automotive industry at both levels. We very involved in the trenches helping individual dealers find success by mastering their digital marketing. We’re constantly in the stratosphere talking to OEMs and vendors about the latest and greatest heading out to[…]

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Let’s take out of the equation that I’m an extremely competitive person. This is the car business. If you’ve been successful in it, chances are you’re just as competitive as I am. This isn’t about packing a room. It’s about sharing the most important information I’ve ever had to share at a conference. Las Vegas.[…]

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If there’s one thing about automotive SEO vendors that really chaps my khakis, it’s when they spread the disinformation that inbound links are bad. They’re not. In fact, they can be very, very good for rankings. It’s important to know the difference between good links and bad links. Here’s the backstory: the Google Penguin update[…]

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It’s a good thing we have communication technology. If I had to do all of my social media presentations face-to-face with dealers, I would get tossed in the looney bin or slapped across the face for using crazy talk. The phrase that catches dealers the most: “We recommend your social media advertising budget should be[…]

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This is JD going rogue. Completely unauthorized. My team will probably be upset. It had to be said, though. It’s that important. In two decades in the automotive industry, I can only remember two times when I’ve been this frustrated. The first was around 2003 when I paid out of my own salary to get[…]

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