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Automotive Social Media

A visit to the NADA Convention, the automotive forums, or your email spam folder will tell you one crystal clear truth: there are hundreds, perhaps thousands of vendors vying for your attention. The automotive industry is saturated with an extremely large number of dealer-specific marketing vendors – probably more than any other industry. Standing out[…]

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It really isn’t that complicated. The easiest way for car dealers to move the needle on sales is to dominate the two venues that allow for utter domination: search engines and social media. On all other platforms, you’re relegated to moving up or down based upon budget. The more you spend with third-party sites, the[…]

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As Harry Doyle would say, the expectations we set for our social media trial was, “Juuuuust a bit outside.” Bob Uecker‘s iconic play-by-play character in Major League watched a pitch fly seven feet off the plate, which is about how far away our estimates were. We thought we would get a handful and run the[…]

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When we discuss social media, the conversation almost always revolves around Facebook. This is by design; Facebook is the big dog and the chances of a car dealer selling a car through social is by far easiest through Facebook. With that said, a complete automotive social media presence has to include Twitter. For the most[…]

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Automotive marketing isn’t hard. It’s actually pretty straight forward. Yes, there are times when many vendors (ourselves included) try to make it sounds more difficult than it is, but at the end of the day it’s really about putting your inventory in front of as many local buyers as possible. Simple.