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Automotive Social Media

The results of our 6-month study on social media advertising and its effects on dealer website traffic, leads, and sales are complete. Considering I believed it would be successful, I must admit that I am surprised at how successful it truly was. Car buyers are ready and willing to leave social media sites like Facebook[…]

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I know what you’re thinking. You think that I’ve gone insane. You read the title and wonder if somewhere along the lines I’ve been replaced by one of Mark Zuckerberg’s minions to preach the benefits of their wares. Nope. It’s me. This is real life. I just said something that most (including me) would never[…]

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It’s all about the targeting. The mantra that many in the automotive industry chant about social media is that it’s big and huge and gigantic and you have to be on it. Unfortunately, these concepts miss the real value of social media. Now, there are results that clearly demonstrate that the real ROI comes from[…]

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Automotive social media, when handled properly, is the most powerful tool that your competitors are not utilizing appropriately today. It is a venue that can be used to dramatically increase sales for your dealership through appropriate targeting and amazing strategies. That’s what we do at Dealer Authority and we’re making a market-exposure push for the[…]

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There is a distinct correlation between reputation management and social media marketing. They often play in the same venues and there is a certain level of cross-pollination possible between the two practices. However, to say that reputation management and social media marketing are aligned is like saying that service and sales at the dealership are[…]

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It’s conference time again in the automotive industry as dealers and vendors descend upon Atlantic City for Digital Dealer 16. There will be speakers. There will be booths. There will be dealers. There will be Tysons and Subis. Actually, there will probably only be one Tyson/Subi combo, and they’re the ones to find at Digital[…]

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