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Automotive Social Media

The best part about the business history of America is free enterprise. Capitalism in its purest form works because it rewards innovation, creativity, hard work, and strong business practices. There are little guys and big guys in every industry and most have no excuse for not overcoming the roadblocks to success.

When we first started our company in 2013, we had a vision of what our services would look like. We chose SEO, social media marketing, and content marketing as our core business because those three disciplines offered the greatest needs for car dealers. In other words, we knew would could have the biggest impact on[…]

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Social media is amazing. Then again, it’s worthless. Those are the two general opinions of social media in the automotive industry. You would be hard pressed to find a dealer who didn’t have one of those opinions about social media. It’s a very polarizing marketing venue. One of the truths that we’ve found in our[…]

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The vast majority of our clients hire us to do their content marketing for the sake of social media marketing and search engine optimization. That’s where our greatest strengths shine through for dealers; through content, we’re able to make a dramatic impact on the amount of cars they can sell. Last month, we initiated and[…]

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As we’ve discussed many times, content is considered to be “king” in automotive digital marketing. This is true, but with a catch. Just as the King of England in centuries past was more powerful than the King of Zamunda, so too can content have different degrees of power over your marketing. The key is knowing[…]

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We’ve been told that our blog titles can be confusing. It’s my hope that the trend does not translate over to our products and services sounding confusing as well. They’re really not. In fact, they’re about as straightforward as it gets. The automotive industry is currently experiencing an “up” era on the trend lines. This[…]

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Ours is such an isolated industry. There are many reasons for this – some good, some bad. Let’s take a look at what makes the car business so special and the things we all can do to make it better. First and foremost, there’s a reason that outside companies rarely succeed when they try to[…]

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When I was younger and dumber in my journey as an automotive digital marketer, I believed that a strong social media strategy combined with a decent budget and the occasional drop of a creative juice would be enough to build a killer product for car dealers. I was wrong. Ever since founding Dealer Authority last[…]

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