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Automotive SEO

There is so much emphasis placed on innovation that sometimes the core concepts get lost in the minutia. When we started Dealer Authority in 2013, the goal was to create the premier content marketing agency that would help dealers with both social media marketing and search engine optimization as well as other aspects of their[…]

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As we’ve discussed many times, content is considered to be “king” in automotive digital marketing. This is true, but with a catch. Just as the King of England in centuries past was more powerful than the King of Zamunda, so too can content have different degrees of power over your marketing. The key is knowing[…]

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We’ve been told that our blog titles can be confusing. It’s my hope that the trend does not translate over to our products and services sounding confusing as well. They’re really not. In fact, they’re about as straightforward as it gets. The automotive industry is currently experiencing an “up” era on the trend lines. This[…]

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Ours is such an isolated industry. There are many reasons for this – some good, some bad. Let’s take a look at what makes the car business so special and the things we all can do to make it better. First and foremost, there’s a reason that outside companies rarely succeed when they try to[…]

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If there’s one thing about automotive SEO vendors that really chaps my khakis, it’s when they spread the disinformation that inbound links are bad. They’re not. In fact, they can be very, very good for rankings. It’s important to know the difference between good links and bad links. Here’s the backstory: the Google Penguin update[…]

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I am not an animal hunter. I’ve shot one animal in my life and that was plenty for me. With that said, I have gone hunting enough to understand that there’s a similarity between two of the major types of deer hunting styles and two of the biggest methods of digital marketing. Search engine marketing[…]

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