Automotive Advertising, Automotive Social Media, Dealer Authority, General, Uncategorized

How Are You Engaging Your Audience?

As we all know, the world of digital marketing is an ever-evolving landscape. The real challenge lies in staying ahead of the curve. On ...

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Automotive Social Media, Dealer Authority, Dealer Tips, General, Uncategorized

Car Dealer Social Media Done Right

Dealers who are ready to utilize aggressive, proven strategies for selling cars through social media are looking for Dealer Authority. Our hands-on style of ...

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Dealer Authority, General, Uncategorized


We’ve been noticing some interesting information and “tips” being passed around and wanted to come up with a way to discuss the things we ...

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Automotive Social Media, Dealer Authority, Dealer Tips, General, Uncategorized

Facebook Update

Facebook has been making some noise lately with several new features that have definitely changed a user’s experience. The most noticeable ones right now ...

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Automotive SEO, Dealer Authority, Dealer Tips, General, Uncategorized

Dealers, Don’t Get Locked Out of Exclusive SEO

In the very beginning of our journey, we knew one thing for certain. We wanted to offer automotive SEO solutions that were exclusive to ...

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Automotive Content, Automotive PPC, Automotive SEO, Automotive Social Media, Our Services, Uncategorized

Automotive Website Marketing Strategy

So, you’ve had your website built. You’re excited about getting all of the new gadgets, widgets, and popups going so you can drive more ...

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What is not important in life?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Molestiae ut ratione similique temporibus tempora dicta soluta? Qui hic, voluptatem nemo quo corporis dignissimos voluptatum ...

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Telling a good story is everything

This is the whole point of technology.  It creates an appetite for immortality on the one hand.  It threatens universal extinction on the other. ...

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What’s Next in Computing?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Molestiae ut ratione similique temporibus tempora dicta soluta? Qui hic, voluptatem nemo quo corporis dignissimos voluptatum ...

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Dealer Authority, General, Uncategorized

What does Omni-Channel Marketing Mean For My Dealership?

When I got into Digital Marketing most dealerships wouldn’t even consider buying a website. Many didn’t even get a website until they were mandated ...

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