Offbeat Car News, Social Cars, Uncategorized

1996 Toyota Supra Twin Turbo

The 1996 Toyota Supra Twin Turbo was the first one to not offer a manual transmission and made the targa roof standard.

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Automotive Advertising, Automotive PPC, Automotive Social Media, Dealer Tips, General, Uncategorized

How Toyota Used Google +Post Ads to Launch a Car

Finally, Google is using their extreme reach to a large chunk of the internet to make their Google+ social network more effective for businesses. ...

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Dealer Authority, Dealer Tips, General, Increasing Sales, Philosophy, Uncategorized

Profound Customer Relationships: How I Learned It and Why Dealers Should Learn It, Too

During my years with KPA, there were dozens of things that I can attribute to the company as important moments of truth in my ...

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Automotive Consultation, Dealer Authority, Dealer Tips, General, Philosophy, Uncategorized

Marketing Best Practices aren’t as Obvious as One Might Think

When you’ve been deeply immersed in digital marketing for as long as I have, you often take for granted that the things that seem ...

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Automotive Content, Dealer Tips, General, Uncategorized

Why We’re Betting High on Tumblr

When we first started using Tumblr in my former company about six years ago, we had challenges finding the real value for dealers. Sure, ...

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Automotive Social Media, Dealer Tips, General, Uncategorized

Don’t Keep Ex-Employees and Ex-Vendors as Managers on Social Media

It’s commonly overlooked. I wish I could say that it never happened to me, but after reviewing my Facebook pages and social media tools ...

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Dealer Tips, General, Offbeat Car News, Uncategorized, Video Marketing

The Most Compelling Luxury Car Video Ever

I’m ashamed to admit that I didn’t see this video until just now. It’s old. Hundreds of thousands have seen it and its different ...

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Dealer Tips, General, Reputation Management, Uncategorized

Highlight and Respond: The Best (though not easiest) Way to Get More Reviews

There are plenty of techniques and services available to help businesses get more reviews on sites like Google, Yelp, and DealerRater. While these services ...

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Dealer Authority, General, Uncategorized

Dealer Authority Now Rocking Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest

One of the first things that any company should do when they’re getting formed is to secure their appropriate social media profiles. LinkedIn and ...

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Automotive Content, Dealer Tips, Dealer Websites, General, Uncategorized

Psychology: The Reason Your Website Must Work Perfectly

If a button here or a link there is broken, it’s not a big deal, right? Wrong.

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