Dealer Authority, Dealer Tips, General, News, Reputation Management, Uncategorized

We Bought Our First Company (well, part of it) at #NADA2014

At Dealer Authority, we’re always looking for the best partners in arenas that we do not master. Areas such as PPC, websites, analytics, and ...

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Dealer Authority, General, News, Uncategorized

Why We’re Not Telling ANYONE Our Booth Number at #NADA2014

It’s the week leading up to NADA and there’s is already a ton of excitement coming from the automotive vendor world. They’re Tweeting, Facebooking, ...

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Automotive Social Media, Dealer Tips, General, Uncategorized

How You Reply on Social Media is More Important than What You Post

There’s a big misconception in the social media world about replies and comments. Many businesses, vendors, and even gurus are focused on their posts ...

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Dealer Authority, General, News, Uncategorized

Introducing our CEO, Tyson Madliger

When I first conceived of starting a new company for automotive digital marketing, I knew that I would need someone to run it. This ...

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Automotive Advertising, Dealer Tips, General, Uncategorized, VDP Marketing

VDPs are still the Number One Target

The ebb and flow of buzzing topics in automotive digital marketing shows that discussions about vehicle details pages go in cycles. Sometimes, they’re the ...

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Automotive Social Media, Dealer Tips, General, Uncategorized

6 Personal Profile Picture Types to Help You Represent Your Business

Thanks to social media, the leaders of companies are often much more exposed than ever before. Not everybody uses social media regularly, especially business ...

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Automotive Social Media, Dealer Tips, General, Infographics, Uncategorized

Automotive Industry is Starting to do Well at Handling Social Customers

It has been a long road to get to where we are today. Social media was such a hot topic in the automotive industry ...

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Automotive Social Media, Dealer Tips, General, Uncategorized

Top Twitter Accounts Worth Following for #AutoMarketing

I have a secret. I rely on others to find stuff for me. It’s a sad situation; I often feel like I’m using people, ...

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Dealer Tips, General, Uncategorized

Why Every Canadian Car Dealer Should Join the Dealer Success Network

For the last seven years, I have been following the various automotive social networks. The majority of them are on the Ning platform but ...

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Automotive Content, Dealer Tips, General, Uncategorized

It’s About Content that People Want to See… and Share

One of the most eye-opening conversations that I’ve ever had in my marketing career happened the other day when a client was discussing content ...

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