Automotive SEO, Automotive Social Media, Dealer Tips, General, Philosophy, Uncategorized

Learning to Embrace Your OEM-Mandated Wesbite

If there’s one thing that we don’t like, it’s conforming. There are plenty of companies out there that conform to the limitations set forth ...

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Automotive SEO, Dealer Tips, General, Uncategorized

Search Engine Optimizers should be Replaced by Search Engine Chefs

The automotive industry needs better SEO. That’s a blanket statement because the need is so great. It’s not just dealers. It’s not just vendors. ...

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General, Uncategorized

My GM Soulmate. This is a Term I Gave to my Old GM, Jim Bencivenga.

We were polar opposites. He was an “old school car guy” and I was a “new school car geek”. We had opposing views on ...

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Automotive Social Media, Dealer Tips, Uncategorized

The Most Important Reason to get More Invested in Automotive Social Media

This stuff works wonders and so few dealers and vendors in the automotive industry know about it. By “working wonders”, I mean that it ...

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Automotive Social Media, Dealer Authority, Dealer Tips, General, Philosophy, Uncategorized

Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving Shocking Results through Automotive Social Media

It’s all about the targeting. The mantra that many in the automotive industry chant about social media is that it’s big and huge and ...

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Dealer Authority, Philosophy, Uncategorized

Officially Uncertified by Any OEM (and proud of it)

A vendor friend in a different segment of the automotive marketing world made us a wonderful offer yesterday. She really liked what we were ...

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Automotive Social Media, Dealer Authority, General, Our Services, Uncategorized

Announcing the 3-2-1 Social Media Liftoff Promotion for June

Automotive social media, when handled properly, is the most powerful tool that your competitors are not utilizing appropriately today. It is a venue that ...

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Automotive Social Media, Dealer Tips, General, Reputation Management, Uncategorized

Rant – Reputation Management is NOT Social Media

There is a distinct correlation between reputation management and social media marketing. They often play in the same venues and there is a certain ...

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Dealer Authority, General, Our Services, Uncategorized

Why a Nimble Automotive Marketing Strategy is Imperative

What worked yesterday may not work today but may work again tomorrow. Over the years, I’ve used these words to explain how both search ...

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Dealer Tips, General, Uncategorized, VDP Marketing

Buying Leads versus Generating Your Own Sales with Lotlinx

Let’s get one thing out of the way from the start. I’m not against the act of buying leads. Purchasing leads through third party ...

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