Dealers, Don’t Get Locked Out of Exclusive SEO

By JDRucker Automotive SEO, Dealer Authority, Dealer Tips, General, Uncategorized 1 Comment on Dealers, Don’t Get Locked Out of Exclusive SEO

In the very beginning of our journey, we knew one thing for certain. We wanted to offer automotive SEO solutions that were exclusive to a market. It’s not that you can’t do SEO for more than one dealership with the same brand in the same metro area, but it doesn’t make sense to have more than one “master” shooting for the same exact keywords.

It’s for this reason that we started offering exclusivity to our SEO clients. We know that it limits our market exposure, but that’s okay. We aren’t trying to get huge. We simply want to help a dealership in a market get the best rankings possible. To try to do that for more than one website brings up challenges.

Groups often find this to be a challenge and we have a solution for those times when a single client has multiple dealerships with the same cars in one city. There’s a way to dominate and share and we find nothing wrong with that as long as the group as a whole is getting the benefit. When two different companies want the same thing, we can only deliver it to one or the other.

Aggressive dealers that want the top automotive SEO service in the industry that is dedicated to making one website per manufacturer per metro area the best optimized around need to contact us as soon as possible. We are locking down metros left and right as more clients sign up for our month-to-month program. Don’t be that aggressive dealer that gets locked out simply because you weren’t quick enough. Your competitors will thank you for it if you do.

Your exclusive table is waiting. Are you hungry for the best?

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One comment
  • Yosio
    Posted on February 11, 2016 at 11:45 am

    There are 2 main components to SEO On site SEO, mankig your content accessible to the search spiders and creating content to match specific searches, and off-site SEO which really all about getting links from other sites to cheat the popularity indicators the search engines reference, most off site SEO methods are not approved by the search engines and must be done behind the scenes, this is generally where most of the SEO effort is focused. Aside from the technical on-site measures, internal linking, setting up some tags and perhaps a site map, an important SEO strategy is to incorporate the actual search phrases you want to be found for, into the content of some pages of your site, this part of SEO can be handled by the regular content creator, it is useful to compile a list of target keyword phrases you will want to incorporate in the content and periodically check the search result position for, the Google Keyword Tool will provide these search phrases people are actually entering. Off site SEO, getting links can be outsourced, although a hired gun is not likely to be as selective in what link sources are used. Smaller operations can do their own link getting through blog comments, forum signatures, directory listings and article directory submissions with an author credit link. Adding links at a steady rate like they would occur naturally is best.


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