Only Watch Subi Speak at #DD18 if You’re Sick of Vendors…

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… not being on the same page. That’s right, this time Subi is speaking about other vendors and how dealers can make sense of it all. Sometimes, it’s a revamp. Other times, it’s a slight course correction. Either way, you’ll learn the best ways to take your current internet department and make your vendors sing together.

The whole can be greater than the sum of the parts if you’re willing to use accountability across the board. In other words, you don’t have to look at each individual vendor if you’re making them all take responsibility for your marketing in general. It sounds strange, perhaps, but the website provider has a duty to work with the PPC provider, who should be working with your CRM provider, who needs to be talking to your social media provider… you get the picture.

At Digital Dealer 18 in Tampa, Subi Ghosh, our Executive Vice President, will be giving a presentation that shows dealers not only what they should do, but also how to implement it at their dealership. This will be a hands-on presentation, one that will allow for instant deliverables once you leave Tampa and go to the dealership. Perhaps the best part is that it’s all sustainable; Subi’s experience through trial and error will help you to bypass the shortcomings of the strategy and make a lasting effect on your dealership’s digital marketing performance.

Subi DD18

Vendors want to help. It may be hard to believe sometimes when you’re talking to them, but generally speaking they want you to be successful. When you put them together and consolidate your gameplan to include all of the relevant moving parts, you’ll be able to achieve the highest level of success. The most important thing you’ll learn is that by doing it Subi’s way, you’ll be more effective and save time and energy in the process.

Work smarter, not harder. It’s a cliche, but it’s one that dealers will absolutely understand once they’ve seen Subi’s presentation at Digital Dealer.

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