We’ve been told that our blog titles can be confusing. It’s my hope that the trend does not translate over to our products and services sounding confusing as well. They’re really not. In fact, they’re about as straightforward as it gets. The automotive industry is currently experiencing an “up” era on the trend lines. This[…]
Getting ‘Aggressive’ Means Investing in the Dealership’s Marketing Today for Tomorrow (and today)
By JDRucker Automotive SEO, Automotive Social Media, General, Uncategorized Feb 25, 2015
Learning from Outside of Automotive Brings Innovations to Car Dealers
By JDRucker Automotive SEO, Automotive Social Media, Dealer Authority, General, Philosophy, Uncategorized Feb 18, 2015
Ours is such an isolated industry. There are many reasons for this – some good, some bad. Let’s take a look at what makes the car business so special and the things we all can do to make it better. First and foremost, there’s a reason that outside companies rarely succeed when they try to[…]
The Importance of Knowing What’s Working (and what’s not)
By JDRucker Dealer Analytics, Dealer Tips, General, Uncategorized Feb 03, 2015
At the end of the 16th century, Sir Francis Bacon famously said that “knowledge is power.” He was wrong. In truth, knowledge is simply a component within the formula that creates success. As it pertains to automotive internet marketing, the better way to put it is, “knowledge is the starting point through which discernment, analysis,[…]