Dealers and Vendors: DealerBar Wants Industry Voices that NEED to be Heard

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The automotive industry has no shortage of blogs and social networks. There is so much content posted every day that it would be a full-time job for someone at a dealership to keep up with the latest and greatest. Thankfully, DealerBar does not want to add to that confusion.

What is DealerBar? Yes, it’s another automotive social network. It’s another automotive blog. It’s another place where dealers and vendors can find content. And yet…

… it’s different. Here are the top reasons why you should read DealerBar at the very least and consider contributing to DealerBar if you’re up to the challenge. We aren’t looking for bulk content. We aren’t looking for pitches or the type of stuff that you can find on other automotive blogs or networks. We’re getting exposure for the content that needs to be heard by the industry. We might be looking for you.

Top 5 Reasons to Follow DealerBar

  1. The content is unique. You won’t find it reposted on any of the dozens of other networks.
  2. Pitching is not allowed. Even when vendors post, they’re not going to be pushing their products. Instead, they’re here to educate through their experiences and share best practices. We always tell vendors that if they want to get value, they have to bring value. If they bring the value and prove their understanding of the topic, dealers will seek them out.
  3. Content curating is a specialty of ours, so we have the “Around the Web” section that lets us highlight the best content from other sites in the automotive industry. Think of it like good ol’ Cliff’s Notes from our days in school (for those of us who didn’t have Wikipedia in our youth). We sift through the content and find the parts that need to be highlighted.
  4. It’s automotive only. We don’t allow content of general interest. Even if it’s something common such as Facebook or email marketing, we make sure there is an automotive spin so that the specifics of our own industry can shine through.
  5. Fair and balanced – we don’t exclude anyone with talent and a voice. Heck, we’ll even allow competitors. As long as people are bringing value to the automotive industry with their content, we’re keeping it wide open.

DealerBar won’t be the biggest. It will be the best.

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