Let’s take out of the equation that I’m an extremely competitive person. This is the car business. If you’ve been successful in it, chances are you’re just as competitive as I am. This isn’t about packing a room. It’s about sharing the most important information I’ve ever had to share at a conference.

Las Vegas. Bellagio. Monday, October 13. 9:55 am. You need to attend my presentation with the ever-so-long title, “Going Small: How to Make Hyper-Targeting Your Social Media Secret Weapon Using Data and Messaging to Achieve Success”. The information I will be sharing at this workshop is more important than what I shared at the DSES keynote in 2011. Dealers who attend will learn techniques that they will be able to apply immediately to make the most out of social media in a way that delivers true ROI.

People spend more time on social media than they spend doing any other online activity. It isn’t even close. For years, dealers have been told this and they’ve been warned that they have to be on social media or they’ll get left behind. Unfortunately, most vendors and experts (including me) have failed to deliver on the promise that dealers can sell more cars clearly and easily through social media. At this workshop, I will be finally delivering on the goods. With the strategies you’ll learn, you will move more metal immediately.

This is the first time I’ve ever “pleaded” with dealers to attend one of my workshops. For the most part, I’ve always relied on the events and standard networking techniques to promote when and where I speak. It’s not about packing the room or getting more leads for my company. With this presentation, it’s all about bringing real value that will propel dealers to a higher level of digital marketing in ways that they’ve never known were possible.

It’s a lofty statement. Those who know me are aware that I don’t say things that I can’t back up with actions. If you attend this workshop and apply what I will be teaching, you will sell more cars at your dealership. It’s that simple.

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One comment
  • Kamlesh Thakkar
    Posted on October 2, 2014 at 6:35 am

    Please provide more details for new enttepreneurs in automobiles dealership.


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