Automotive Content Marketing, 2015: Today’s Option is Tomorrow’s Necessity

By JDRucker Automotive Content, Dealer Authority, General, Uncategorized 1 Comment on Automotive Content Marketing, 2015: Today’s Option is Tomorrow’s Necessity

It would be hard to find one or two out of a 100 car dealers in the country that are truly utilizing content marketing as a strategy for search and social. That’s fine by us – the fewer who do it, the easier it is for us to help clients stand out. However, it won’t be an option in 2015. It will be mandatory.

Content marketing, for those who do not know, is the art and science of building strong content on their own web properties and others in order to drive attention of some sorts to the dealership. This is a very broad way to look at it; the truth about content marketing is that a blog post or two (or ten) would not be enough to go over the entire concept, let alone describe how to make it happen.

Unfortunately, it’s something that dealers will no longer be able to ignore in the near future based upon the trends we’re seeing from Google, Facebook, and other networks. It’s real. It’s necessary. You won’t be able to do SEO in 2015 without it. You won’t be as successful on social media in 2015 with it.

Don’t be offended that we’re not putting too much information in the past, but know this: you can do it. You don’t need us. You don’t need to hire a full time writer (though that’s not a bad idea). You don’t even need to change many of your current habits. You just need to know how to apply the time and resources properly.

Those who are interested in receiving a free white paper we’re willing to prepare for this, please contact us below. It’s important that we get an idea of how many people would even be interested because we won’t waste the time writing it if there’s not enough interest. If there are only a handful of people who want to know about it, we’d rather just have a direct phone call.

Please let us know in the content form below if you’d be interested in this. You should. It’s that important as we head towards 2015.

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