Wanted: Dealers that ‘Get It’ About Driving Targeted Traffic to their Website through Social Media

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This is JD going rogue. Completely unauthorized. My team will probably be upset. It had to be said, though. It’s that important.

In two decades in the automotive industry, I can only remember two times when I’ve been this frustrated. The first was around 2003 when I paid out of my own salary to get a website built for my dealership. The owner simply wouldn’t allocate a penny to the internet and really hoped that it would just go away. The second was in 2006 when I had phone call after phone call with dealers that didn’t see SEO or PPC as valid marketing spends. Some weren’t really sure what search engines were and definitely didn’t think that they could drive traffic to their website.

Today, I’m faced with a similar frustration. This one is not the dealers’ fault at all. Even “savvy” dealers that understand digital marketing have a hard time accepting that we can drive thousands of local, interested car shoppers to their website through social media. With so many companies out there touting automotive social media marketing for its branding, communication, and PR benefits, it’s challenging to convince dealers that the real value of social media lies in unpublished posts with hyper-targeted ads.

It’s trackable. It’s measurable. It’s tangible. There is real ROI sitting there waiting for dealers to take it, but when I bring up spending $2,000-$4,000 a month on social media to drive traffic to their websites, they assume that I’m living in Denver or Seattle because I must be high.

Today, every dealer has a website and most dealers have SEO and/or PPC, but back then it was hard to convince them that it would work. Tomorrow, most dealers will be advertising on social media and the dealers that take advantage of it now will reap the most benefit while the space is not crowded, but it’s hard to find dealers willing to accept it.

The cost to drive targeted local car shoppers to your website is least expensive through social media. It’s not even close.

My frustration has boiled over to the point that I’m willing to make a guarantee. If I can’t drive valid local shoppers to your website for less than $2 per unique visitor, I’ll refund your money in full. When you compare that to what you’re paying for PPC or other traffic-generating platforms, it’s a no-brainer.

Don’t jump on the bandwagon next year when the field gets more crowded. Dominate today and take all of the traffic that you can afford. There’s no setup fee. No long-term contracts. It’s guaranteed. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Contact me in the form below or learn more about guaranteed social media traffic.

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