Catch Us at ‘Startup Alley’ at Driving Sales Executive Summit

By JDRucker Automotive Conferences, Dealer Authority, General, News, Uncategorized No Comments on Catch Us at ‘Startup Alley’ at Driving Sales Executive Summit

Thankfully, the Driving Sales Executive Summit does not have a dark and damp alley. Instead it’s a triple-A (automotive alley of awesomeness) place where the cool kids in automotive get to hang out and see the latest and greatest. We’ll maintain our startup mentality for as long as we can and we’re taking advantage of that status at DSES.

If you were to look at the requirements to be Startup Alley, you’d probably be concerned. You have to be new, under 24 months old. You have to have to be a low-revenue company (AKA “poor”). You can’t be funded by institutional investments. Lastly, you have to be the most utterly amazing and nimble company in the automotive industry.

Okay, so I made the last one up, but it certainly feels like we’re pretty amazing.

Be sure to stop by our first “booth” as a new company. Considering both founders at Dealer Authority came from companies with over 5,000 dealers and (in the case of ReyRey and humongous booths, it will be nice to have a 5’x5′ area to call our own.

This adds further proof that DSES is the most innovative automotive conference in the industry. Here’s information from their guide:

Beginning this year DrivingSales has added an opportunity for startup organizations to participate in the Executive Summit at a low point of entry. This is our way of giving back to the industry and promoting fresh thinking and innovative entrepreneurialism (we’ve been there!). The program provides space for these companies to show dealer attendees what they are bringing to the market – whether it be a product or service – in a booth-type setting with other startup organizations.

See you at DSES October 12-14 at the incredible Bellagio in Las Vegas!

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