Why We Switched to Completely Custom Reports – ‘Have It Your Way’

By JDRucker Dealer Authority, General, Philosophy, Uncategorized No Comments on Why We Switched to Completely Custom Reports – ‘Have It Your Way’

When something great dies off, it’s sad. For 40 years, Burger King has allowed people to “Have It Your Way”, but that ended earlier this year when they decided to go with “Be Your Way”. Not sure what that means, but they pay marketing minds millions to come up with this stuff, so I suppose it will work.

Since they abandoned the concept, we’re running with it. We have had challenges finding the right reporting methodology for both search and social media. Now, we’re giving up. There is not a perfect solution already built and we don’t want to waste the money building it, so we’re going with the idea of running completely custom reports for our clients. What you want to see, you’ll get to see. There’s no need to make it complicated.

To fit in every KPI into a report surrounding search alone would be a 40-page document. While this is great for some and I’m sure there are people out there who would love to see this type of report, the majority of dealers wouldn’t want to waste the ink and wouldn’t take the time to crawl through it all. There is information in there that is important to some. To word it better, every bit of information in a report like that would be important to someone, but there’s no need to go with the common ploy of vendors in the automotive industry that believe in report overload. They believe that if you give dealers too much information, they won’t be able to find the shortcomings as easily.

We’re doing it differently. If you want to see your keyword rankings for hundreds of keywords, great! If you want to focus on 10 keywords, awesome! If you want to see a breakdown of organic search traffic and the likely keywords that are sending it, fantastic! If you want to see how much traffic you’re getting today compared to this time last year, wonderful!

Have it your way. What you want to see, you’ll get to see. What you don’t want to see will be eliminated. It’s a painful process on our end but it’s a huge benefit in yours, so we’re willing to make it happen.

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