Buying Leads versus Generating Your Own Sales with Lotlinx

By JDRucker Dealer Tips, General, Uncategorized, VDP Marketing No Comments on Buying Leads versus Generating Your Own Sales with Lotlinx

Let’s get one thing out of the way from the start. I’m not against the act of buying leads. Purchasing leads through third party sites is one of the easiest ways to control the flow of leads to be at the right level for your internet department. I do believe that too much emphasis is placed on purchasing leads and not enough is placed on generating more business through the dealership website.

It should also be noted that we’re a Lotlinx reseller. However, before you point to bias in this article, it’s important to understand that this a matter of effect rather than cause. We didn’t choose to promote Lotlinx because we started reselling it. We have chosen to resell Lotlinx because it works extremely well for our clients, then we started promoting it as a result. There’s a difference.

Now, back to the topic at hand. There’s a problem with the leads that many dealers buy from third party providers. First and foremost, there is often an exclusivity challenge. The life-cycle of a lead is a long one. They get generated by third party websites. From there, they are sold to one or more third party lead providers. They are then sold to dealers, other third party lead providers, and even OEMs. By the time a lead gets to you, there’s a chance that they have already been contacted by multiple parties.

Rather than selling leads, Lotlinx sells traffic from these third party websites that goes directly to the vehicle details pages on your website. There is no auction, no chance that the leads are being sold to other dealers. Because they are driven to your website, the leads that come in are yours and yours alone.

It goes beyond that, though. The information about the vehicles is always more accurate and compelling on your website. The old claim by many classified sites that getting exposure for your vehicles is enough to compel people to come into the dealership without calling or filling out a lead form is in full effect with Lotlinx. The difference between what many of the other third party sites are claiming and the reality of what Lotlinx brings to the table is that it’s verifiable; since they’re on your website and not being ushered around from dealership to dealership on a classified site, the chances of them actually coming in and buying a car from you are much higher.

This form of deeplinking technology that is the basis behind the Lotlinx product is the key to their success… and yours. Dealer groups across the country are starting to wake of to the reality that they can generate their own sales without relying on purchasing leads from other websites. Isn’t it time that your dealership does the same?

Find out more about what Lotlinx can do for your dealership by filling out the form below.

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