Why We Love Lotlinx

By JDRucker Dealer Tips, General, Uncategorized, VDP Marketing No Comments on Why We Love Lotlinx

It’s pretty simple, really. Our company has been very selective with our partners since our inception, but Lotlinx stood out as a real winner for our clients. They possess three primary qualities that make them ideal as a part of our product offering.

The hardest part for us is picking out which of the three is most important, so we’ll list them in no particular order:

Lotlinx is Great for Our Clients’ Customers

There is nothing more annoying to a consumer than to find the vehicle they want, fill out lead form, and then get contacted by several dealerships and other third parties that bought the lead. With Lotlinx, that’s eliminated. When a car shopper clicks on a Lotlinx listing on AOL Autos or any of the 130+ listing sites, they’re taken directly to the dealer’s vehicle details page. When they fill out the form or call the dealership, they’re in contact with you and you alone.

Month-to-Month and No Setup Fees

Just like all of our products, we ask Lotlinx to offer our clients their service without any of the hassle associated with long-term contracts or setup fees. They were more than willing to make it happen.

Traffic to the Inventory

Our primary focus with all of our services is to drive shoppers to the inventory. We know that the more local buyers that we can drive to our clients’ inventory, the more cars they will sell. It doesn’t have to be complex. Get car buyers in front of cars. It’s a basic marketing best practice, but it’s amazing how few companies stay true to this concept.

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