Twitter Ads Bring the Localized Exposure Your Competitors Aren’t Getting

By JDRucker Automotive Social Media, Dealer Tips, General, Uncategorized No Comments on Twitter Ads Bring the Localized Exposure Your Competitors Aren’t Getting

When we discuss social media, the conversation almost always revolves around Facebook. This is by design; Facebook is the big dog and the chances of a car dealer selling a car through social is by far easiest through Facebook.

With that said, a complete automotive social media presence has to include Twitter. For the most part, dealers and even social media vendors are barely scratching the surface with Twitter. Like Facebook, a strong Twitter presence is pay-to-play. Just Tweeting and trying to accumulate followers yields very little. However, once you insert a small budget into the equation, the results can be pretty strong.

The key to Twitter is in the localized targeting. By selecting your city as the place where you want to advertise your Tweets, you’ll be able to expose your message to a large number of locals without spending a ton of money. Here’s an example of a campaign that cost a total of $10:

Automotive Twitter Advertising

As you can see, the targets were clear, the results were strong (40 clicks at $0.25 each), and the reach of the message was impressive (1500 locals saw the Tweets).

It’s pretty easy to get started and to manage. We encourage all dealers to take advantage of Twitter ads for more than just this basic type of campaign. Of course, if you would like assistance, we’re here to help. Simply fill out the form below and we’ll contact you with some options.

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