There is some very good news that stems from the checking I’ve been doing over the last couple of months. A good number of car dealers, probably around 20%, have what I would consider to be a “good” social media presence. It may not seem like a lot, but considering that it was under 5% just a year ago makes this news very encouraging.

The only bad portion of this news is that it still isn’t helping. You see, the gap between “bad” automotive social media and “good” automotive social media is minimal when looking at the business-relevant results. Dealers weren’t selling cars with social media when they were doing it bad. Unfortunately, the majority who fall into the category of having a “good” presence aren’t selling much more than the ones who have a bad presence.

The reason is simple. Even with a good presence, dealers are still not able to take full advantage of the tremendous targeting potential through Facebook. It’s one thing to post good content and get some engagement, but that still doesn’t sell cars by itself. It’s an introduction. A welcoming to the community. It’s great for branding. It’s not good for much beyond that, though.

To increase business through social media, dealers have to make the huge leap from having a good presence to having an outstanding one. For this, we’re still finding the numbers are under 1%. The challenge is that it takes time and money, something that dealers are either not investing or that their investing with the wrong companies or poor strategies.

“Good” on social media isn’t good enough to move the needle.

In the short video below, we discuss the things that can take a good presence and make it great. It doesn’t go into a ton of details – that would take a full-length movie – but it does cover the important ins and outs that help you determine if you’re making an impact. If not, we can help.

Learn More About Outstanding Automotive Social Media

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