When you get the endorsement of a an ally, that’s great. When you get it from a customer, that’s even better. When you get it from someone who is a direct competitor (even if that person is a friend) it’s the best type of endorsement possible.

That’s how I feel about ROI-BOT. When PCG first brought it out, I let my boss at my former company take a look. He didn’t care for it, so I didn’t explore it any further. Once I started this company, I thought it was time to take a look for myself. What I found blew me away. The system has all of the measurements that I would want if I were still working at a dealership. It had been improved since launch to the point that when I had that former boss take a look for himself, he was equally impressed. That’s why we’re adding it to all of our clients’ marketing packages free of charge. It helps me help them so it’s worth the expenditure.

This post isn’t designed to sell ROI-BOT, however. I want to talk about the presentation that I’ll be doing with Brian Pasch at the Digital Marketing Strategies Conference in March. Forget the fact that the wine will be epic (it’s in Napa Valley, after all) Forget that there will be amazing speakers, including Gary May from Imacsweb, Michael Rose from Google Autos, and Jeremy Anderson from Twitter. The individual topic that we’ll be covering surrounding ROI-BOT is enough to compel attendance. It doesn’t matter whether or not you have or plan on installing ROI-BOT into your marketing. You’ll learn from the presentation about things that you can and should be tracking on your own.

It’s easier to hold your vendors accountable for their performance when you can define a true return on investment of their services. That’s what ROI-BOT does automatically, but it’s also what you can do if you know which numbers to track, which metrics to calculate, and how they all play together.

Come see us at DMSC March 16-18 in Napa Valley!

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