Why We’re Not Telling ANYONE Our Booth Number at #NADA2014

By JDRucker Dealer Authority, General, News, Uncategorized 1 Comment on Why We’re Not Telling ANYONE Our Booth Number at #NADA2014

It’s the week leading up to NADA and there’s is already a ton of excitement coming from the automotive vendor world. They’re Tweeting, Facebooking, and putting up banner ads with one common theme across the board: their four-digit booth number.

At Dealer Authority, we will not be publishing our booth number anywhere for three reasons:

  1. Nobody ever actually uses them until they get to the conference. Sure, many dealers do come with a plan of attack, but it usually involves going through the vast majority of the booths and rows anyway. Not everyone does, but they normally do not come with a list of booth numbers that they’ll have to cross-reference to a map, interactive or not. They know some of the vendors they want to speak to and they’ll find those vendors one way or another. They will not, however, be writing down a bunch of booth numbers before the show.
  2. The message from vendors should not be “come to our booth”. The message should be, “here’s why you should visit our booth while you’re here, and as a matter of fact we have an easy way for you to find us once you get here…” That will work much better. For us, it’s easy. When you want to talk, text us at 774.538.9338. We’ll guide you to where we are or we’ll come and meet you somewhere.
  3. The last and most important reason that we aren’t giving out our booth number is that we don’t actually have a booth. When we launched in November, there were three booth spots left and they were in the worst possible locations somewhere between “nowhere important” and “somewhere unfindable”. So, we revert back to reason number 2 – we will be there with 50% of our staff (yes, three of six employees!) and we’d love to talk to you as we roam the floor. Just text us and we’ll meet you at coffee-stand #2 or anywhere close to you.

See you in New Orleans!

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One comment
  • Adam Ross
    Posted on January 20, 2014 at 2:36 pm

    Love it! The anti-booth number post! I will definitely use the phone # and hope to see you there, guys!


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