This is the year. You’ve either tried to avoid it in the past or were disappointed in the results of those who were trying to help you with their products or services. In 2014, there’s simply no excuse for having a poor search marketing presence. Between SEO and the various advertising models available on search, you have to do what it takes to make this the year that you really emerge and crush the competition.

It’s not hard. It takes knowledge of the techniques. It takes strategy that works within the algorithms. It takes a decent budget, large when compared to what you’re probably spending now on SEO but small when you consider how effective it can be compared to some of the other arenas that charge quite a bit more. Can you really justify spending thousands on television ads and a few hundred on search when the latter is exactly where your customers go when they’re ready to buy a car?

In this infographic below, we can take a look at some excellent suggestions and tips on how to make 2014 the year that you dominate search rankings. Despite being called a “search marketing” infographic, it really encompasses quite a bit more including reputation, social media, and mobile. It just goes to show that the various marketing techniques are starting to merge together nicely.

Search Marketing Best Practices for 2014

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