Pay to Play

The transition period is over. Now, it’s official that Facebook is heading in the very lucrative and unfortunately annoying direction of making their business relevance a pay-to-play endeavor. Some might think that since we offer a service that manages and optimizes Facebook advertising and marketing that we would consider this to be a good thing, but we do not. The less money we have to give to Facebook, the more we get to keep. This puts an unfortunate damper on the bottom line, but that’s fine by us. Just as with PPC for search, the money will come from the skill and management more than anything else. We’ll be fine.

For dealers, there are now two options:

  1. Use Facebook as a Billboard – The old days of putting out great content on your Facebook page and expecting it to go forth into news feeds to garner popularity and views are behind us. Now, the only traffic you’ll be seeing without paying for it will mostly come from traffic that you send to it yourself through your website. This is fine and reaffirms a long-standing strategy of using Facebook for defensive purposes only. It won’t drive people to you, but if they see it, at least you won’t be embarrassed.
  2. Attack Facebook through Advertising – Compared to other forms of advertising, Facebook is currently extremely inexpensive. The reach potential per dollar is much better than television, radio, newspaper, online classifieds, or even search. This is where it’s possible for dealers to get in trouble, however, as it now becomes much easier to mess things up. The real estate on the news feed is limited and as more businesses push their advertising out through Facebook, having the proper message and worthwhile posts being promoted is of utmost importance.

We would be happy to help you with any questions you have about Facebook advertising or automotive social media in general. All you have to do is ask and we’ll take a look at what you currently have going on.

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