
When you’ve been deeply immersed in digital marketing for as long as I have, you often take for granted that the things that seem obvious don’t always makes sense to everyone. In the world of search, social, and content marketing, it’s important to realize that there are only two certainties:

  1. What worked yesterday may not work today but may work again tomorrow.
  2. If it seems too easy, it won’t work.

Google, Facebook, and all of the other marketing venues have learned to reward quality. There are only a handful of exceptions to this rule, yet so many companies and marketers are still looking for the shortcuts that can automate this process or simplify that process. There was a time not too long ago when it was pretty easy for vendors to “fake it” when it came to presenting a client’s presence to the various arenas. For example, you could artificially inflate domain and page authority by generating tens of thousands of meaningless and spammy links. Those days have come and gone. Another example is that you could buy your way to popularity on Facebook and generate decent results. It’s an extinct practice now (though there are still companies trying to use zombie accounts to make it work).

In both cases, the bulk principle was replaced by the manual effort concept. In both cases, what used to be a great benefit was quickly turned into a negative. Companies closed down. Others devised ways to hide their shortcomings. The smart ones gave in to the demands and changed their practices. The sad part is that all of this was obviously on its way years ago and yet many companies rode the wave until it crashed into the reef.

This brings me to the point. There are other very obvious trends, yet as I progress deeper into the marketing practices of some companies (many of whom are very large), it’s as if they’re simply looking at today and cannot take a look ahead at the changes that are happening in mobile, content, user interaction, and website functionality. None of this is hidden. The writing is about as clearly on the wall as it can possibly be. Why are companies waiting when they see the need to change? Are they simply not looking? Are they avoiding the situation? Is it too hard to change direction?

Now, let’s get to the real point. For years I have focused on the delivery of marketing practices. As the company expands, as clients finally start hiring savvy people, and as vendors continue to fail, we’ve decided to start offering full consultation services. Vendors are supposed to be on top of the best practices that are ever-changing in the industry but that doesn’t seem to be the case, so we’re going to help. More on this in the near future, but for now please note that if you’re in the process or even just considering making a switch in any area of your marketing, please contact us. We can help take pitches from vendors, distinguish between the good practices and the smoke and mirrors, and help to guide you towards the right decisions.

Anyone who has sold cars has had to deal with the tag-along third base coach who is there to make sure that all of the questions get answered and that the right deal is struck. We want to be your third base coach as you’re dealing with other vendors.

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