Dealer Digital Marketing Analysis

By JDRucker Dealer Authority, Our Services, Uncategorized No Comments on Dealer Digital Marketing Analysis

If you don’t know what you have going on at the dealership and in your digital marketing, you can’t make it better. Over the past three years, we’ve witnessed an emergence of knowledge within the automotive industry when it comes to managing your digital presence. Dealers are hiring and training people to promote the dealership in ways that weren’t as common before.

You’re getting savvy and that’s a wonderful thing!

We know that there are dealerships who are able to make an impact on their own marketing, whether through search, social, content, websites, reputation, or any of the various marketing practices at the disposal of dealers. It’s important to us that we work with dealers that have an understanding of not just the importance of a strong presence but also the nuances associated with the various techniques and strategies.

If you have the time and resources to make that impact, we’d love to help. Our digital marketing analysis, affectionately called the “1,3,6,8,12 Roadmap”, is designed to be a comprehensive plan that you can execute on your own. We take a look at everything: analytics, website performance, marketing presence, social media, reputation, and anything that’s affecting your ability to drive traffic, leads, and sales. We look under every nook and cranny and present to you more than a snapshot. It’s a guide. Used right, it could be your best friend.

The first step is to start with a free audit. If you will allow us, we will take a look at the overview of your presence and give you some information about what we found. From there, you can decide if ordering a roadmap is the right move. If not, your audit is still a valuable resource. Simply fill out the form below and we’ll contact you with our findings:

Request a Marketing Analysis

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