
By JDRucker Dealer Authority, General, Uncategorized No Comments on #JustAskDA

We’ve been noticing some interesting information and “tips” being passed around and wanted to come up with a way to discuss the things we see as a group and share them with you. So, we’re starting a series called Just Ask DA as part of our #DABehindTheScenes initiative. We’re asking our team for input on topics we think need to be discussed to get you some honest feedback from the many unique points of view we have on our team. Feel free to send any Automotive, Social Media, Digital Marketing, or SEO questions to social@dealerauthority.com and we’ll have our team answer them for you. Ask us anything… we dare you!

Here’s the first question:

Facebook has evolved. What practices have changed that dealerships need to know about?

  • Willis: Paying for likes. Just don’t do it. I hope no one is falling for “like farms”. If you believe someone can get you a bunch of likes for little money… DON’T DO IT! You want your audience to be local, engaged, and interacting for the right reasons.
  • Brian: Create content for mobile and not for desktop. Your 5 paragraph post may not get the attention from the majority of users who happen to be on mobile.
  • Ray: It is no longer a place to just get people to “like” you, share content, sign up for contests, and just give customers the warm and fuzzies. While the majority of your content should be engaging and fun, you should still have a storyline back to cars, your dealership, or your community.
  • Tyson: If you are not on Facebook yet, you’re REALLY missing out. And so are your sales.
  • Erika: No one wants to answer your stupid questions unless you’ve built an audience that wants to interact with you. Cat memes, silly games, and questions that request them to participate don’t work!
  • Mike: Your focus has to grow beyond ONLY posting sales-related content. Mix it up with well-rounded content that your audience can relate to & enjoy. Be HUMAN & build rapport with your audience.
  • Jeff: Dark Posts/Facebook Ads!! Set a budget for Facebook Advertising and create interesting ads to drive quality shoppers to your website. They can and will sell you more cars.
  • Christine: Regarding social, the most irritating practice dealers are taught is a “presence” is enough.  Many dealers believe simply having a Facebook page and posting occasionally is all you need.  This couldn’t be further from the truth.  Although, it’s an excellent starting off point.  Get a page, post quality content consistently, and promote your content with Post Engagement budget. From there we can open up an entire new world with Facebook advertising – but no, simply “having” a page is no longer enough.
  • Subi: The goal here is to EARN the followers, likes, comments, shares, and reactions. If you do that well through strategically posting great content and advertising, you WILL drive traffic and sales. Some dealers are even setting appointments through Facebook! Get rid of your salesy messages and graphics. Please!

Check back for more questions or better yet, send us yours by using the form below!

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