Hiring Jeff and Promoting Subi. That’s How We’re Rolling in 2015.

By JDRucker Dealer Authority, General, News, Uncategorized No Comments on Hiring Jeff and Promoting Subi. That’s How We’re Rolling in 2015.

The automotive industry deserves a better digital marketing solution and we want to give it to them. To help us in our efforts, we have promoted Subi Ghosh to Executive Vice President while hiring Jeff Glackin to be our Vice President of Sales.

Glackin brings 22 years of automotive vendor experience to the table as our new Vice President of Sales. Ghosh has been our Vice President of Marketing and is being promoted to Executive Vice President. Her focus will be operational but she will continue to represent the company at industry conferences, including NADA 2015.

Congratulate them. We’re pumped. If you’re a dealer, you should be pumped as well.

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