“Don’t Let a Culture Problem Flatline Your Dealership” – #NADA2015

By JDRucker Automotive Conferences, Dealer Authority, General, News, Uncategorized 2 Comments on “Don’t Let a Culture Problem Flatline Your Dealership” – #NADA2015

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been in the car business for a short time or your entire adult life. You learn about it very quickly. This is a business that is different in so many ways, allowing those of us who are fortunate enough to be in it to flourish and appreciate the things that we’re given.

It’s not the same at every dealership. I’ve personally worked at both extremes when it comes to company culture. One dealership I worked at would drive people out if they’d been there too long to reduce costs. The last dealership I worked at did everything within their power to make their employees feel like part of the family. Guess which one has been seeing the most success both long term and short term.

We are not a pure training company and we do Master degrees in human resources, but we do have two things working for us and our clients:

  • A company culture that is always at the top of mind so that we can keep it in a state of constant improvement
  • Subi Ghosh

The first item is something that we share often with our clients and our vendor partners. The second is one that we rarely share, not because our Executive Vice President is unwilling but because we’re very protective of her time. With that said, we’re “loaning” her to the NADA Convention in San Francisco to spread her wealth of knowledge about dealership culture to the audience in attendance.

If you’re going, you have three opportunities to see her speak:

1/22/2015 – 12:15pm – 1:30pm – 3024W
1/23/2015 – 10:30am – 11:45am – 3003W
1/25/2015 – 10:45am – 12:00pm – 3001W

Personally, I would recommend going to all three. Subi is like your favorite movie that comes on TNT every few months. Even if you’ve memorized every line, you still have to stop and watch it whenever it’s playing. Watching Subi speak about something that she’s passionate about it is like watching the end of Casablanca.

Here’s looking at you, kid.

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  • Neil Amaral
    Posted on January 5, 2015 at 8:57 am

    I wish I could go. Subi is amazing!

  • Hiring Jeff and Promoting Subi. That's How We're Rolling in 2015.
    Posted on January 6, 2015 at 11:28 am

    […] Glackin brings 22 years of automotive vendor experience to the table as our new Vice President of Sales. Ghosh has been our Vice President of Marketing and is being promoted to Executive Vice President. Her focus will be operational but she will continue to represent the company at industry conferences, including NADA 2015. […]


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