Dealership SEO – Final Call for Exclusivity Clients

By JDRucker Automotive SEO, Dealer Authority, Dealer Tips, General, News, Uncategorized No Comments on Dealership SEO – Final Call for Exclusivity Clients

It is with extreme excitement and a hint of sadness that we bring 2014 to a close with a “last call” of sorts. As search, social, and content continue to merge into a unified strategy for car dealers, we will be launching our new services in early 2015. As a result, a la carte exclusive SEO services will no longer be offered in their current form.

As one of our most popular products, business pundits might point to the move as a mistake. Thankfully, business pundits rarely have a deep understanding of the ever-changing world of search engine optimization. If they did, they would realize that the move is designed to consolidate efforts so that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. We’ll still be doing SEO. We’d be crazy to take the most powerful organic search product in the automotive industry and pull it off the market. We’re simply bundling it to meet the expanding need for holistic digital marketing.

With that said, we don’t want to leave anyone hanging. There are many dealers who have been wanting to take advantage of being the exclusive SEO client in their market as soon as other contracts end or budgets open up, so we’re taking a limited number of clients on as our final Exclusive SEO dealers.

The SEO department continues to grow. The strategies keep evolving. We’re confident that the search engine optimization we provide to dealers is unquestionably the best in the automotive industry, which is why we always offer it month-to-month and without setup fees.

Some may fear that this move signals a shift away from search. On the contrary, our focus on SEO will remain as high as it has been since we started the company. The reason to stop offering it as an exclusive a la carte solution can best be understood by looking at a great suit. We have been selling jackets, pants, ties, shirts, and shoes a la cart since our inception. This has been great; our SEO clients look fantastic in their suit jackets. However, we know that they’ll look even better when they buy the whole suit with SEO, social media, content marketing, conversion optimization, video… the holistic package.

Using this analogy, it’s easier to understand why we’re bundling. With that said, those who just want the jacket (i.e. the best SEO in automotive) and who do not want to buy the whole suit will be able to do so for a limited time. Once we hit our magic number, we will stop selling SEO as a standalone.

If you want to be part of that magic number and feel the power of exclusive SEO, please fill out the contact form on this page or visit our SEO page. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.

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