Dealer Authority Partners with LotVantage to Offer Social Media AutoPilot

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In an ideal world, a dealership will do one of two things: they’ll hire a full time social media and content marketing person per rooftop to take advantage of the most important aspects of digital marketing for 2015, or they’ll hire us to do the same at a lower cost but to a lesser degree. This isn’t an ideal world. Not every dealer is willing to spend thousands of dollars per month on social media and content at this time, so we needed a solution.

We found that solution in the form of LotVantage‘s new social media posting tool. We love to train dealers to build their own content powerhouse and we love to help dealers by doing it for them, but for those dealerships who do not want to spend that kind of money, the LotVantage solution that we’ve adopted allows us to post up to three times a day on Facebook and Twitter for $150/month.

For less than the price of a daily Venti White Chocolate Mocha, dealers can take advantage of our AutoPilot social media program. This is ideal for two types of dealers: those who aren’t fully bought-in on social media but realize they need to have a strong presence, and those who allow us to help them focus on the advertising component, the unpublished posts that drive traffic to their website.

This isn’t just a quick feed that dealers can set up through Hootsuite or other tools. It ties directly into your inventory to allow a proper mix of blog posts, videos, and inventory posts so that the social media presence for the dealership is way beyond what you’re competitors are doing for a fraction of the cost. With most services in our industry, the syndication is done in the same basic manner but you end up paying several hundred dollars to get equal or worse results. With AutoPilot, it’s better and more cost-effective.

We are pleased to present this integration to dealers. We still offer Pilot and Co-Pilot programs for dealers that want more, but the AutoPilot program fits in nicely with what a good chunk of dealers would want out of social media.

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