Introducing DealerBar, an Exclusive Automotive Community… For Everyone

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Back in 2007, we built one of the first automotive networks on the Ning platform. I say “one of the first” because there were several that popped up either shortly after or right before. The dates aren’t important. The concept is what matters.

Over the years, there have been several that have come and gone. ADM and dealerElite remain at the top of the food chain amongst the Ning platforms, but there are still dozens of them out there. The networks are great – loads of content, plenty of activity, and open conversations between dealers, vendors, and other interested parties.

We recently relaunched DealerBar with the intention of bringing something a little different to the industry. We have no intention to replace anything as we will not have the bulk of content that other networks have. We are also not interested in becoming yet another venue for people to syndicate their content across dozens of websites. Our intention is to establish a vetted-out content platform where dealers and vendors can truly share best practices. We also have a robust Facebook page for it as well as a strong Twitter account.

The content must be unique. Those who join with the intention of republishing their content from elsewhere have plenty of venues for that. Our goal is to establish a place where the real best practices can rise to the top. We are encouraging dealers and vendors to join, contribute, and create a repository for their best content. We are playing with the Ning system which now allows users to have their own mini-network within the network, but that’s still a ways down the line. Right now, we simply need people to join and be active.

If you are a savvy dealer (or if you want to become one) or a vendor with much to contribute to the industry, we ask you to join. The “exclusive” aspect is that the content is going to be exclusive, but the network itself is open to anyone interested in succeeding.

That means you.

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