The Social Media ROI Challenge: The Proof in the Automotive Pudding

By JDRucker Automotive Social Media, Dealer Authority, Dealer Tips, General, Uncategorized No Comments on The Social Media ROI Challenge: The Proof in the Automotive Pudding

A recent survey by AutoTrader called into question the return on investment of social media. We’re up to the challenge and will show dealers measurable ROI for a month for FREE. Dealers who want to see what it’s all about simply need to cover the cost of Facebook ads ranging from $155-$620 – you pick the budget!

AutoTrader concluded that pretty much nobody goes to social media sites to shop for vehicles. We wholeheartedly agree! We achieve automotive social media ROI for our clients by driving car buyers to their own website. We then track them through analytics to determine what pages they’re visiting and when they fill out lead forms. Dealers who take the challenge with us will be under no obligation whatsoever. If they aren’t satisfied with the traffic, leads, and sales coming from social media, they won’t be billed a penny for the service and we’ll walk away friends.

The real value of social media is not in trying to bring shoppers to sites like Facebook or Twitter. The value comes from the hyper-targeting data that allows us to put the right message in front of them on their social media news feeds. They don’t come to social media with the intention of shopping for cars just as they don’t turn on the television to see car dealer ads, but in both cases they have been proven to be effective for driving sales. The two biggest differences between social media and television advertising is that with social media you pay much less and you have the ability to drive people directly to the inventory on your website with a single click.

For the price of a daily venti caramel frappuccino, you can sell more cars. Unlike nearly every other automotive social media service, our goal is not to make you popular. Our goal is to drive buyers to your website. If you’d like to sign up, visit our Social Media ROI Challenge page or fill out the form below.

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