Excellent Breakout Speakers Selected for Driving Sales Executive Summit

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Every year, dealers, OEMs, and vendors descend to Las Vegas to attend the Driving Sales Executive Summit. This is one of the premier educational events of the year with an incredible array of both speakers and networking events. No event gets as many raving reviews as DSES.

Dealers that want to find success in 2015 need to be at this October event. Here’s a breakdown of their breakout speakers.

2014 Driving Sales Executive Summit Breakout Speakers

Advanced General Marketing

Acquiring The Right Used Cars For Today’s Market

Todd CaputoTodd Caputo

Dealer Principal/CEO of Sun Auto Group

Todd Caputo, “The Used Car King”, will share his insights into acquiring, merchandising and marketing preowned vehicles in any market condition.

What you’ll get out of this session:

  • How to present a used vehicle properly on your lot
  • How to present a used vehicle properly online
  • How to dominate your market in preowned sales

Wearable Technology And How It Affects Dealerships

Eric MiltschEric Miltsch

President of Command Z Automotive Consulting

A fun, educational and interactive presentation showing dealers how mobile consumer behavior and dealership marketing will change forever at the hands of wearable technology, The Internet of Things, and location based technology, including Beacons, within our devices and even our vehicles.

What you’ll get out of this session:

  • Learn about devices for customer marketing opportunities
  • Learn about devices for content creation opportunities
  • Learn how behaviors will change the way you interact with customers

When Everyone Is Special… No One Is

Shaun Raines Tom White JrShaun Raines

Vice President of Marketing at DealerOn

Tom White Jr.

General Manager of Subaru of Witchita

This presentation will help dealers identify true and false brand identity. Dealers today must exceed the expectations of consumers with modern marketing strategies and your brand is the first place to start.

What you’ll get out of this session:

  • Identify True vs False Brand Differentiators
  • Understand Importance of Brand Differentiation
  • How To Evaluate and Improve Brand Differentiation


Dealership Operations

Financial Statement Validation Of Digital Marketing

Les AbramsLes Abrams

Instructor for NADA

Les will showcase newly released NADA Digital Marketing insights that count. It will focus on how digital marketing efforts translate to an automotive financial statement and the best practices that make a difference.

What you’ll get out of this session:

  • Identify and measure how successful automotive digital marketing activities translate to your financial statement
  • Recognize the Key Performance Indicators that are critical for success
  • Develop your personalized action plan to apply critical guides and ratios to evaluate your dealership’s effectiveness

Phones Are Huge

Jerry ThibeauJerry Thibeau

CEO of Phone Ninjas

Almost every incoming phone call is an opportunity for dealerships to make money. The problem is that most dealerships botch the vast majority of their calls. This session is going to focus on the problems and the solutions needed to plug the profit leaks.

What you’ll get out of this session:

  • We’ll examine the true monetary damage by not acting
  • We’ll examine the reason dealers struggle on the phone.
  • Dealers will leave with an action plan for success.

The Activity Habit That Creates Results

David KainDavid Kain

President of Kain Automotive

Dealerships that thrive in today’s market have developed a culture of success that is achievable at every level. Achieving success comes from creating The Activity Habit that ensures each team member is focused on the elements that drive remarkable customer connections. This course will ensure attendees know what it takes.

What you’ll get out of this session:

  • Attendees will have a complete understanding of the key activities their team members need to focus on each day to ensure remarkable success
  • Dealers and Managers will have increased confidence to know it’s actually easy to create a culture of success
  • Frontline dealership employees will be taught cutting edge strategies that make them stand out from competitors

Three Channels Of Fixed Operations BDC

Greg WellsGreg Wells

President of AllCall Automotive Contact Centers

In depth study of the inbound, outbound and marketing channels that work together in operating a profitable Service BDC. We will discuss proven practices that increase Service revenue and greatly impact the retention of your existing new and used vehicle customers. All attendees will receive a workbook during the class.

What you’ll get out of this session:

  • Structural Guidelines for staffing your Service BDC
  • The profitable processes for a launch and procession of growth
  • Effective Marketing campaigns for a Service BDC

To BDC Or Not To BDC

Bobbie Herron Bryan ArmstrongBobbie Herron

Digital Sales and Marketing Manager for Garber Automotive

Bryan Armstrong

e-Commerce Director at VW Southtowne

Handling leads is about culture, people and process. Garber has 15 franchises utilizing a variation of hybrid SP, SM hand off and BDC’s. I will share successes/failures including results/comparisons and effective management styles and process. My research is based on three years in different markets, managers and different staffing solutions.

What you’ll get out of this session:

  • A BDC only works with a strong manager, good people and the right process.
  • In order to avoid a BDC your management has to be as engaged with lead traffic as it is with the showroom floor.
  • Every method can work in a store. The success is dependent upon the existing culture, willingness to progress and top level support.



How To Combat Mobile Showrooming

Ben AndersonBen Anderson

President of AutoMotion Dealer App

Show-room-ing [shoh-room-ing] verb A showrooming customer uses their smartphone to check pricing and offers while on a dealer showroom floor. Mobile expert Ben Anderson discusses the increasing use of mobile devices in the showroom, share the latest market data, and provide offensive and defensive strategies to combat the showrooming customer.

What you’ll get out of this session:

  • State of the market, latest data
  • Proactive offensive and defensive strategies
  • Tools and best practices on combating showrooming

Inside Look At Dealers Texting

Adam FlegeeAdam Flegee

Technology Marketing Evangelist at Contact At Once!

With significant multi-industry adoption of text-based communication, dealerships can no longer ignore the opportunities inherent in texting customers. Attendees will learn how their dealership can capitalize on this communication tool and consequently reach a broader audience more effectively.

What you’ll get out of this session:

  • Understand how to differentiate between the multiple types of consumer-to-business texting
  • Discover how to navigate legal challenges
  • Receive a step-by-step strategy for initiating a texting plan at any dealership

Millennials And Smartphones

Mike MartinezMike Martinez

Chief Marketing Officer at DMEautomotive

Millennials, or the 60+ million Americans between ages 18-35, are a powerful consumer group who love their smartphones. Learn: How Millennials purchase differently, 2) how to (and why you must) mobile market to them, 3) who they are and how to reach and maximize selling and retention results with them.

What you’ll get out of this session:

  • How Millennials purchase differently
  • How to (and why you must) mobile market to them
  • Who they are and how to reach and maximize selling and retention results with them

Using Tablets To Increase Customer Confidence

Jeff KershnerJeff Kershner

Founder of DealerRefresh

My presentation is truly like no other – utilizing a tablet within the dealership to increase consumer confidence.

Whether it’s in the service department or showroom floor. I’ve given this presentation to some degree about 4 times with an amazing response from the audience.



Implementing Advanced Search Strategies At The Dealer Level

Jason StumJason Stum

Digital Marketing Manager of LaFontaine Automotive Group

My goal is to share all the actionable knowledge I’ve learned from running my company and personal blogs so dealers can learn how to take advantage of their websites to differentiate themselves from the competition today.

What you’ll get out of this session:

  • Why creating original and useful content is the #1 way to differentiate yourself from other dealers
  • How to utilize your blog to create connections with your customers, drive more traffic to your websites, generate inbound leads, and ultimately improve SEO
  • I’ll provide each attendee with an actual gameplan for launching their blog platform that can be used for 2015 and beyond

The Future Of SEO: Web Presence Management

Brian PaschBrian Pasch

CEO of PCG Consulting

Dealers must learn how to de-compartmentalize their digital marketing strategy to create a comprehensive online message via search, social, and video. SEO isn’t dead, it has just morphed into a larger topic called Web Presence Management (WPM). Maximize your online efforts with a smarter plan to sell cars.

What you’ll get out of this session:

  • What Has Changed With Traditional SEO Strategies To Sell Cars Online
  • Why Digital Marketing Strategies Are CoDependent And Can’t Be Isolated
  • How To Build A Customized Marketing Checklist To Create A Web Presence Management Blueprint


Website Optimization

Engagement Mapping Of Your Website To Serve Your Customers

John QuadeJohn Quade

Performance Improvement Consultant for Cobalt

Good news. It’s not just the size that matters. It’s the motion, and the placement. Our new Engagement Map has given us exclusive insights into shopper behavior on your dealership website. We’ll share this new technology and unlock secrets to creating a content strategy that car shoppers are begging for!

What you’ll get out of this session:

  • Which specific areas of each web page actually receive the most attention from shoppers throughout your site
  • The five universal dealership categories, and how you should design your digital look and feel based on which one your store falls into
  • How to leverage that prime real estate to drive deeper shopper engagement and best optimize your content to display and perform across multiple devices

How To Properly Split (A/B/C/D) Your Website For And Digital Marketing

Joe ChuraJoe Chura

CEO of Dealer Inspire/Launch Digital Marketing

This is not a theoretical talk. This is a plan of action. You will learn how to test your unique selling proposition, SEO campaigns, and conversion points on your website among many other things. By A/B/C/D testing and optimizing everything, your dealership will be more efficient, eliminating wasteful advertising dollars!

What you’ll get out of this session:

  • That dealers need to test everything. You don’t need to guess anymore.
  • You can optimize almost any marketing plan/message which will save time and money almost immediately.
  • A laid out action plan to start testing today with very little investment.



Hyper Targeted Social

JD RuckerJD Rucker

Founder of Dealer Authority

The focus for years on social media has been around how big it is. Dealers are finding the most success by going small, not big. They do this through using social media’s best resource: data. Hyper-targeting the right message to the right people is the key to success.

What you’ll get out of this session:

  • Where to find the data about customers and prospects that can be used for targeting through social media
  • How to initiate a social media strategy that puts the right message in front of the right people at the right time
  • What the 7 types of hyper-targeting data points are and how to build powerful campaigns around them

Subaru Of Wichita Goes Viral

Aaron WirtzAaron Wirtz

Media & Marketing Manager of Subaru of Wichita

Attendees will learn firsthand how Subaru of Wichita transformed a potential PR nightmare into a viral marketing win with humor, creativity, and content, which Adweek Magazine described as “the best comeback ever.” Examine the rewards and challenges of worldwide attention and get prepared for your moment in the spotlight.

What you’ll get out of this session:

  • Digital marketing campaigns are most effective when they adapt in real time and incorporate real world responses.
  • A campaign of this magnitude would have been impossible with a third party social media management vendor.
  • Creating unique, engaging content is the best way to start preparing right now to harness higher levels of attention, prestige, and ultimately, sales.


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