Report Shows Social Media Advertising Drives Shoppers to Dealer Websites

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The results of our 6-month study on social media advertising and its effects on dealer website traffic, leads, and sales are complete. Considering I believed it would be successful, I must admit that I am surprised at how successful it truly was.

Car buyers are ready and willing to leave social media sites like Facebook and Twitter when they’re presented with the right types of social media advertising. We tested the concept on 30 dealers to see what would happen if a portion of their advertising budget was diverted to social media advertising with direct sales and service messages as the hooks to get people to click through to landing pages on the dealers’ websites. Then, we tracked the data to see what became of this traffic. Did they become leads? Did they buy vehicles?

The results were, again, impressive even to us.

We will be releasing the report at the upcoming NADA Convention in San Francisco. Here is a tidbit of information that we have accumulated:

  • Using buyer-intent data, the cost per click to the dealers’ websites was $0.67
  • Using custom audiences built from past customer information, the cost per click was $0.49
  • A modest budget of $450 for a domestic dealership outside of the Dallas metro area yielded over 800 clicks in one month

We will continue to test different types of campaigns. To learn more about the study or to schedule a social media consultation, contact us below:

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