My GM Soulmate. This is a Term I Gave to my Old GM, Jim Bencivenga.

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We were polar opposites. He was an “old school car guy” and I was a “new school car geek”. We had opposing views on almost everything from advertising to processes. But since we had this deep respect for one another, we were able to debate and actually hear each other enough to find common ground and make some incredible business decisions.

Jim was a trailblazer and he didn’t even know it.

After two weeks of assessing the dealership and after coming on board as the E-Commerce Director, Jim called me to tell me he was reconsidering the position. Now, my moving truck was coming the very next day so I called him until I got through. I was panicking… what if he changed his mind about me? Even though I know I could help them grow… I knew this industry and it’s way of chewing you up and spitting you out for no fault of your own. He had changed his mind but it was not what I was expecting. He wanted me to come on board as the Sales and Ecommerce Director. This would give me the authority to make changes where they need it the most… sales processes, CRM, and anything Internet Sales and Marketing. I oversaw the Sales Managers, Sales Teams, Internet Manager, and Internet Team. I was able to have input with F&I and Service too. Jim gave me more than “authority” with this decision. He gave me the playbook and allowed me to assess the players, the plays, mascot, and define the rules of the game. He held me accountable but held everyone else to the rules WE put in place.

He wanted to be fair to customers and treat them well…  but maintain gross and be sales effective at the same time. It was a tall order, but with the right mentality and the right team, we were making huge strides.

Now, some of you may notice that I’ve been referring to Jim in the past tense this whole time. Jim passed away two months ago and I would be lying if I said I didn’t regret not having the opportunity to write this before his passing. He helped propel my career, he taught me so much about the operational and management side of a dealership that I had never been allowed into before. But more than anything, I had unwavering support. I am so incredibly lucky I got to experience having GM soulmate that I didn’t have to fight to show the importance of the internet or prove why we needed a website at all. (No, really. This has happened to me.)

To the Ecommerce Directors: Keep fighting. Speak in terms they will understand and keep presenting your case. If the case isn’t presented the right way, even the best lawyer can lose. Keep educating yourself and implementing the latest and greatest techniques, tools, and ideas to your dealership and you will not only bring value in sales to your dealership, but you will BE valuable to your DP without hording information or responsibilities.

To the GM’s and Managers out there:

Find the right people for the right roles.  As, a mentor of mine, Shaun Raines says, “Just because you have the right people on the bus, doesn’t mean they are in the right seats.” Then give them the respect, authority, tools, and TIME they deserve. You give the right person a good schedule, they will work their ass for you regardless of the hours they spend behind your assigned desk. You give them space to be creative and they will come up with ways to dominate your market your competitors haven’t even heard of yet. You give them the respect to listen to their ideas and actually take their input, and you will cultivate company players that look after your dollars and employees like you do.

“Subi, you’re going to fail. I expect you to. I respect you for taking calculated risks like you do. And for arguing back with me about things you believe in so much that you start shaking. So, quit being so scared and apologetic. If we fail so hard that someone above me feels like you need to leave, I’m walking out those doors with you.” – Jim Bencivenga

“Just learn as much as you can, kick ass as much as you can, keep your eye at 30,000 feet, and remember me along the way. Then, one day when I’m old and gray… I expect you to pass on this wisdom and make sure to drop in my name. You’re the best hiring decision I’ve made in my life. I just know you’re gonna be a rockstar. You’re my retirement plan.” – Jim Bencivenga

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