It was Great Discussing Automotive SEO on Auto Dealer Live

By JDRucker Automotive SEO, Dealer Authority, Dealer Tips, General, News, Uncategorized No Comments on It was Great Discussing Automotive SEO on Auto Dealer Live

It’s a great feeling to be the guest of a show after Digital Dealer’s Mike Roscoe. His passion for his company is contagious and helped me bring out the passion I have for my own company.

Today, I had the honor of speaking to David Villa at Auto Dealer Live about the ever-controversial topic of automotive SEO. The industry deserves better than what most companies are offering. When I made the statement that I could count on one hand the number of companies out there doing real SEO, I was hit with a barrage of emails and phone calls asking who was on that list. Unfortunately, it was mostly vendors who were doing the calling, but that’s okay. I shot them straight. Only one who was “on the list” was amongst the callers. Most of them had to suffer a minor letdown (but what do I know, right?).

Here’s the video. Again, it was an absolute honor, not just being on the show but also in hearing that the endorsement for me to participate came from the unstoppable Jim Ziegler, the #AlphaDawg himself. Wow!

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