We Bought Our First Company (well, part of it) at #NADA2014

By JDRucker Dealer Authority, Dealer Tips, General, News, Reputation Management, Uncategorized No Comments on We Bought Our First Company (well, part of it) at #NADA2014

At Dealer Authority, we’re always looking for the best partners in arenas that we do not master. Areas such as PPC, websites, analytics, and reputation management were high on our list for us to explore at the NADA Convention in New Orleans. We are pleased to announce that we found our partner in reputation management in eReputationBuilder. We liked them so much that we acquired a stake in the company.

There is a press release scheduled for next week, but in the meantime, here are the specifics off the cuff. They have some pretty darn amazing software combined with a best-in-class email delivery system that positions them perfectly with what we bring to the table. Our knowledge of how search engine optimization and social media marketing can work well with reputation management will enhance the product to truly differentiate it from all of the contenders out there.

We’ve been doing our research. Of all the major reputation management companies out there, only two stood out as strong enough with a focus on the right things for reputation management in 2014 and beyond. Most systems are pointed in a direction of failure, but eRepBuilder and one other (which we will be discussing as part of our Top Tier Automotive Partners in the future) have the right plan.

This is our first acquisition as a company but hopefully not our last. We’re pumped to add another weapon to the arsenal that aggressive dealers need in order to dominate their competitors.

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