A visit to the NADA Convention, the automotive forums, or your email spam folder will tell you one crystal clear truth: there are hundreds, perhaps thousands of vendors vying for your attention. The automotive industry is saturated with an extremely large number of dealer-specific marketing vendors – probably more than any other industry. Standing out in the crowd should be very difficult, especially for a newer company like Dealer Authority.

And yet, here we are. You found us. You may have found us on the search engines where our organic rankings for highly competitive terms like “automotive SEO” and “automotive social media” are moving up nicely on page one (a very difficult task for a website that is just a few months old). You may have found us through social media where we’ve taken a much lower budget than the big boys in the industry and translated that into massive targeted exposure. You may have even found us through word-of-mouth as the stories of success for our dealer clients are really making waves across the automotive industry. Whatever it was that brought you here, we’re glad to have you.

This isn’t a fluff piece touting our conquests. It’s an example. It’s a standard. We do not believe in the concept of being “the barber with the bad haircut”. We don’t want people to talk about us and say “the cobbler’s son has no shoes”. On the contrary, we’re really big fans of a guiding idiom that permeates across our growing company…

Practice what you preach.

Our focus is on driving as many local car buyers as possible to your website. Our goal is to expand your reach by casting a wider net to get your fair share of shoppers and your competitors’ shopper as well. Our strategies are righteous – no automation, no bulk spamming, and no shared allegiances. We work with one dealership or dealer group within a market and we make them dominate using a combination of cutting edge techniques and good ol’ fashioned hard work.

You didn’t find us by random chance. You’re not here by accident. You found us because we wanted to be found. You found us because you want to be found. You passionately want more shoppers to visit your website and then to visit your dealership with the intention of buying one of your cars.

Our goals are aligned.

We can get more of your potential customers to take the first step in the buying process by filling out a contact form on your website. All we need you to do is take your first step by filling out the contact form below.

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