NOTE: Space on the free trial is limited. We will only be offering this to 15 dealers who apply. Not all dealers will be accepted – our goal is to get a nice mix of different brands, areas of the country, and dealership sizes, so please do not be offended if you are not  selected.

Automotive social media is getting to be big business. Dealers across the country are starting to really take advantage of the growing medium in order to drive more business. However, with all good things, there is a negative.

Many vendors and gurus are promoting really poor social media practices. It’s a battle that we find our company embroiled in because every dealer that tries social media and does not get results is a dealer that loses faith in the potential that social media brings to the table.

To fight this, we are offering a free 30-day trial of our version of automotive social media. By “free”, we mean FREE. There’s no catch. There are no strings attached. The only obligation that we request is that dealers who let us manage their social media for the month include a budget of some sort for advertising.

Social media has become “pay to play” in order to be effective. We know that our management of your posts and ads combined with a small budget of $150 or more invested into advertising will be enough for you to see tangible results that translate into increased business for your dealership.

At the end of the 30 days, we will contact you to see if you want to continue. If not, no problem! We are so confident that you’ll see the value that we’re willing to completely manage your Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ accounts without cost in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of social media in ways that you’ve never seen before.

Simply fill out the form below and we’ll contact you about getting started.

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